Erasmus – Key Action 3- Support for policy reforms
Key Action 3 supports Member States’ public policy reforms and promotes cooperation with third countries, including the exchange of good practice. This support includes the implementation of European transparency tools, the conduct of cross-border national studies and the support of specific action programs, including the Bologna process for higher education and the Copenhagen process for vocational education and training.
It consists mainly of projects managed by the Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission (Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency), while the National Units manage the Structured Youth Dialogue. The Structured Youth Dialogue includes projects that facilitate dialogue between youth policy makers and young people. These projects relate to selected topics.

CHAISE is a Sector Skills Consortium addressing the growing demand for blockchain skills and distributed global technologies (DLTs) in Europe. Its main mission is to develop a strategic approach to the development of blockchain skills for Europe, as well as to provide training solutions, with a view to the future, in order to address the current shortcomings and to meet the future skills needs of the European workforce. A strong European blockchain community.
CHAISE brings together leading multinational companies, key institutions, EU “umbrella organizations”, social partners, specialized Education & Training providers and public / regulatory authorities in education and training to achieve the project objectives. It involves 13 EU countries and 23 Blockchain workforce partners.

An institutionally validated European Blockchain skills strategy
CHAISE will bring together stakeholders representing industry, academics, politics and research from across the EU, to develop a blockchain skills strategy.
A Sectoral Collaboration Plan for Blockchain Skills Development
The CHAISE consortium, based on a thorough analysis of the needs and skills shortages to determine the current situation and demarcation of the Blockchain sector, will develop a European Skills Strategy, which will set the framework for sectoral cooperation and will describe actions that respond to evolving blockchain skills needs.
Blockchain Education
Looking to the future, CHAISE will develop an innovative 5-semester Vocational Education and Training curriculum in 11 EU languages to address technical, non-technical and interdisciplinary skills needs through an innovative approach.
In addition, all the educational material developed by the project, will be integrated into a series of open online courses, available to everyone through Mass Open Online Courses (MOOC).
CHAISE goal is to address skill mismatches by promoting an open, inclusive Blockchain skills management system tailored to sectoral needs.
The project will provide appropriate training solutions, with a view to the future, mobility programs and qualifications, creating a European Blockchain skills ecosystem and further increasing the attractiveness of the sector, especially for young Europeans.
A forecasting mechanism to address future Blockchain skills needs
CHAISE will create a collaborative method to monitor the evolution of workplace requirements and anticipate future Blockchain skills needs, to act as a timely information and warning mechanism to reduce potential supply and demand imbalances.
The first professional profile “Blockchain Specialist”
CHAISE will define the first professional profile “Blockchain Specialist”, harmonized with existing skills and qualifications, to guarantee a common language for describing digital skills.
The project will set EU-wide professional requirements for the Blockchain workforce in order to address labor market fragmentation and set common training requirements for Blockchain skills.
Transnational mobility schemes for Blockchain students and professionals
CHAISE will support cross-border student and professional mobility, by strengthening partnerships between education and training institutions and companies and launching a Blockchain career guidance and alumni platform.
A European Blockchain Εcosystem
CHAISE will develop strategic cooperation mechanisms at European and National level, such as the National Blockchain Skills Partnerships, to ensure that the EU-level solutions reflect national issues, that the European Sectoral Skills Strategy is nationally implemented and that the European Network Blockchain Skills Partnership will oversee the implementation of this strategy.
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