
Thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo ( School of Advanced Vocational Training Egaleo)

Thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo is one of the Public Institutes of Vocational Training (D.I.E.K. – old name) in the west side area of Athens, called Aigaleo (Egaleo). The students of the S.A.E.K. are high school graduates, ages 18+ as well as adults who wants to get a  Vocational Training. S.A.E.K. Egaleo is the oldest Institute of Vocational Training in Greece, established in 1992 and is one of the biggest in Athens. Attendance at the  S.A.E.K. lasts 5 semesters 

  • 4 semesters of theoretical and laboratory training (1200 hours)
  • 1 semester internship or apprenticeship (1050 hours)

Graduates receive a Diploma of Vocational Specialization level 4 NQF/EQF and after exams at the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) receive a Diploma of Vocational Specialization level 5. NQF/EQF

In 2021 the Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo has been renamed as a Thematic Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo focusing on S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)

In January 2024 the Public Institute of Vocational Training IEK Aigaleo was renamed as Thematic S.A.E.K. Egaleo (Thematic School of Advanced Vocational Training Egaleo)

Thematic SAEK Egaleo, for the school year 2023-24 has 650 students and operates the following specialization courses:

1st Year ( 1st Semester / 2nd Semester )

  • Informatics Applications Technicians (Multimedia / Web Design – Development / Video Games)
  • ComputerTechnicians (Hardware)
  • Open Software Technicians
  • Automotive Technicians
  • Heating, Petroleum & Natural Gas Technicians
  • Lift & Escalator Technicians
  • Renewable Energy Technicians
  • Naval Automation Technicians
  • Interior Architecture  &  Object Designers
  • Digital Marketing in E- Commerce

2nd Year (3rd- 4th Semester)

  • Informatics Applications Technician (Multimedia / Web Design – Development / Video Games)
  • Computer Technicians (Hardware)
  • Interior Architectural Decorators &  Objects Designers
  • Mechatronics Technicians
  • Medical Equipment Technicians
  • Lift & Escalator Technicians
  • Digital Marketing in E- Commerce

Exceprt the above courses, apprenticeship scheme and practical training is taking place for the students of the 5th Semester in various companies and organisations.


Minoos& Proodou 1 Str., Aigaleo, 122 41, Athens, Greece

(Next to University of West Attica – UNIWA – Campus 2)


+30 210 5695608, +30 210 5692210


+30 210 5699476

